Past Alumni Association President, Gene Tierney #850, Passed to the Omega Chapter November 10th

Gene Tierney accepting the 2015 Trine Touchstone Dinner Attendance Award

Brother Tierney was an active member of the Beta Omicron Alumni Association Board of Directors and  was one of its most effective Presidents.  He was President during the building  of our new Old Gal. Gene’s positive reach helped so many though the willful leveraging of his unique supportive personality that allowed those who collaborate with him to leverage their talents for the better good.  Though his unique positive, accepting and guiding approach, you knew he was on your side as he lessened to you or as he  helped you accomplish what really needed to be done.

As a Board Member and as President, Gene invited and encouraged alumni to be involved and helped committees and their members to be effective.  He conceived our current web site and was one of three who built it.

There are many Brothers who made the New Old Gal happen. Of those, Gene was the grease that allowed many issues to move forward. He supported  the builder of the Old Gal, The House Corp, in many ways and was invited to be one of their Trustee when he step down from the Alumni Association Presidency.

Gene was one to those  Angola based Brothers that would act as an ambassador and mentor to the Chapter’s undergrads. Once again he was unique in that he would take the whole Brotherhood out to dinner.

We will miss Brother Tierney

The Beta Omicron Chapter of Alpha Sigma Phi

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